Won't be updating in a week due to the upcoming exam.
Stressed during this few weeks.Then was training hard for dance too. I know I'm a little too harsh on my own crew, but oh well, if I don't bossing around , they will just play around in the studio. How I wish they are a little bit of self-dependant. Well , there's a lot to catch up need to be done if compared to Soul & Naughty Princess crew. That's because we represent Hip-Hop , and I don't want to dissapoint a lot of peoples , especially Eddie and Ah Mun. I want them to be proud of us as we are proud to be their student.
Luckily there is still someone who could make me smile. =))
Jack : Harry Potter !! Here I come !
Mom : Woi exam la , Harry Potter your head.
Lol just joking =P Really exited bout it. hmm.
Will be watching with collegue and someone.
*seems like I got this disease from someone for scolding ppl's head* LOL.
A little craps from me. *not necessary to continue reading*
No matter how beautiful the smile is , no matter how sweet the smile is , it is not special as long it is not from you. When I look into your eyes , I see sunshines during morning , and I see twinkles during the night, if you were the one who was spending the night ,I wish that I was looking into your eyes all night long.