Quite busy with college assignment.
As the topic mentioned , I'm a playboy!
Don't think that I'm bad la. I'm still innocent kay.
I'm using the song, Hotel Room by Pitbull for dancing routine.
Therefore, the concept for that routine is I'm a
I'm quite happy this few days. You know why ?
Let me do some advance introduction to collegues-to-be.
1st is a very fishy dude, guess who? ZHENG YU!
He is my yum-cha & clubbing kaki, & my driver for 2 years =P
Joking haha. He is really a good friend of mine.
always help me when I'm in trouble always.
2nd will be one of the ji mui, same age but she is like my big sis. CHEIN!
She ah? The caring sis, I still remember last time she share money with
other Ji-Mui to buy 20 Mentos for me for my birthday present.
*cuz I always chew Mentos during tuition*
Simple but memorable.
*sorry chein , i lost the picture which took together with you =.=" *
3rd , also Ji Mui. A good friend to Chein also. Daven Ong!
Haha, I tell you what. she is one of the craziest girl I ever know.
She is super funny, I still remember she EMO for damn long
cuz she know she is entering PLKN, however, she is also the one
who want to stay until don't want to get out from the PLKN camp. LOL!
The dancing queen in the club. Woohoo!
*she's coming in January intake though, she still want to enjoy life =P*
To Daven & Chein :
ELSE ALL Ji-Mui will be complete. Haha.
Finally can find some friend who is same age and got topic to talk.
If not , I feel like surrounded by Lou Peng Kor Kor & Jie Jie.
Even if same age also, no topic with them due to different lifestyle.
Therefore I'm very looking forward for this new sem!
Rush rush and graduate!!
*hopefully I don't resit any papers =.- *